Welcome to the New Raising a FArmer site

Welcome to the new site of Raising a Farmer!


Here you will be able to shop, learn, laugh, be in the know of where we will be and enjoy the mess of living on a family farm. Since 2014 we have been sharing our lives on a small family farm in Minnesota. Our farm has been in the Rudolph family for over 130 years! Our children are 6th generation growing up on our farm.


Our farm, lives and blog have evolved and changed through the years. We transitioned our farm from a dairy farm to a direct market farm in 2019. This was a big change for us!  


As a direct market farm we provide proteins directly to customers, schools, organizations and restaurants. We are present in communities providing a connection to farms and education by providing farm animal engagements in urban places.       


On the new website you will still be able to access the original Raising a Farmer blog at www.raisingafarmer.net   


Its a lot of work but there is always room for laughter!


Cooking 101: It Doesn’t Always turn out